Vitae Header Education
Asset 1: Identify needs for Research
Asset 2: Conduct Research
Asset 3: test messaging strategies
Asset 4: Share Successful Strategies with Others
Asset 5: Save Women and Babies from Abortion
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Our Projects

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Equip yourself with
evidence-based research and
messaging to defeat
misinformation and make
abortion unthinkable.

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Verified Pregnancy Centers can gain
access to research-based messaging
and strategies so they can be more
effective in reaching women and
saving lives from abortion.

For pastors, physicians,
policymakers, and pro-life people

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For pregnancy centers

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National Outreach Team

Vitae Foundation’s research has caused a paradigm shift in the Pro-Life Movement in the way pro-life organizations speak with women considering abortion.

To ensure that the research continues its nationwide reach, we’ve assembled a team of experts who have invested themselves in the research and are passionate about sharing the research with others.

To request one of our National Outreach Team members to speak at your upcoming event, please click “Schedule a Speaker” at the bottom of this page.

Brandy Meeks
Brandy Meeks

Areas of Expertise – Pregnancy Center branding & Marketing, abortion industry manipulation tactics

Brandy has been a leader in the pro-life movement for well over a decade. Her passion and energy for the mission increased while she served as a pregnancy center director in her early years. Later, she was recruited as the director of marketing and research application at Vitae Foundation. Brandy and her husband Matt, would go on to launch Cornerstone Marketing Strategies, building a company that assists pregnancy centers using research-backed digital marketing strategies.

In 2018, Former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson asked Brandy to join her as the vp of operations at And Then There Were None to help more abortion workers leave the abortion industry while the movie Unplanned gained popularity. Together, they also launched ProLove Ministries, a pro-life organization that seeks to fill gaps in the movement.

After the Dobbs decision was announced in 2022, Brandy was pursued by Vitae Foundation’s board of directors to lead as the next president. She now leads Vitae Foundation– an organization that facilitates lifesaving research and applies the findings to create messaging strategies to share with others so, together, we can make abortion unthinkable.

Brandy is a founding board member of Abortion Survivors Network with abortion survivor Melissa Ohden, continues to assist as a board member at And Then There Were None, serves with the United Nations through the Organization of American States as a CSO to protect human rights internationally, and is also a commissioner with the Missouri Baptist Convention’s Christian Life Commission, the public policy arm of the MBC.

Together, Brandy and her husband, Matt, love strategizing new marketing and pro-life research ideas on date nights, helping with the youth ministry at their church, and raising their five children.

Rebekah Hagan
Rebekah Hagan

Areas of Expertise – The abortion-minded perspective, The marketing of chemical abortion, Vitae Research & Education Trainings

With nearly 10 years of experience in the pregnancy help movement, Becky Hagan is a new addition to Vitae Foundation`s Research and Education Team. In addition to sharing her personal story of unplanned, teenage pregnancies on the international speaking circuit, Becky brings past experience in outreach and major gifts fundraising for pregnancy centers and international nonprofits to her role as research education coordinator.

“Analyzing Vitae`s cutting-edge, pro-life research findings and equipping organizational leaders to effectively integrate digital marketing trends and pro-woman messaging is an absolute privilege. This work changes and transforms lives,” said Hagan.

Passionate about helping women before, during, and after pregnancy, Becky also serves on the board of Reproductive Loss Network, a faith-based nonprofit offering a biblical approach to miscarriage, abortion, and more. She and her family reside in Northern Louisiana.

Megan Drapa
Megan Drapa

Areas of Expertise – Women’s healthcare, life-affirming medicine, Applying Vitae’s research to ballot language, natural womanhood, reaching Gen Z, Vitae Research & Education

Megan joined Vitae Foundation’s research team in 2016 as a strong advocate for women and life. Upon graduating from Boston College with a B.A. in psychology, Megan worked at Georgetown University Medical Center as a research project coordinator in the Department of Psychiatry. She coordinated varied research projects focused on the mental health services available to minority women as well as the experiences of battered women. Megan has presented and co-authored papers on women’s health and healthcare including the effects of psychological trauma on overall health and access to healthcare. During her time in Washington DC, Megan also helped build pro-life coalitions on campaign trails and brought the lessons she learned on the campaign to her research work on clinical trials; this is summarized in her paper “Grassroots Campaign Trail Methods to Recruit for Clinical Trials: Recruitment Lessons Learned from Trail to Trial”.

Megan received a second bachelor’s degree in nursing, from Colorado State University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Megan has used her passion for research and women’s healthcare at Vitae Foundation by helping to build the Pro Women’s Healthcare coalition and by providing resources and strategies for ‘taking back the narrative on women’s healthcare” inspired by Vitae’s seventh Right-Brain Research study, Saving Grace; Planned Parenthood’s Healthcare Brand. She has brought Vitae’s women-focused messaging and branding to life-affirming medical practices as well as to young women as editor of The Happy Girl’s Guide to Being Whole.

In addition to being passionate about healthcare she is actively involved in the renewal of Catholic Liberal Education and is co-founder of Christendom Academy in Omaha that has exponentially grown since opening its doors four years ago in 2019.

She is a member of the International Honor Society for Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International and she participates with the local Catholic Medical Association. Above all, Megan is a wife and mother to five young children, as she aspires to raise them as strong pro-woman, pro-life advocates.

Rob Rysavy
Rob Rysavy

Areas of Expertise – Communicating using Vitae’s research, pro-life school and church outreach, and church programming.

Rob has a diverse background in religion, military, and education. As an ordained deacon for the Diocese of Colorado Springs, Rob has a fluent understanding of the challenges faced in our culture and the urgency for change. Additionally, Rob’s experience as a retired Air Force colonel and an Air Force Academy graduate make him an effective leader rooted in structure and persistence. Rysavy is also the former president of St. Mary’s High School in Colorado Springs, where he gained insight into the issues young people face in today’s culture.

Rob’s dedication to Vitae Foundation and the cause for life runs deep. He served as Vitae’s past president and previously served as the chair of Vitae’s board of directors. Today Rob speaks all over the country about Vitae’s research study findings, moving the needle on the strategy of the Pro-Life Movement.

His thirty-plus-year commitment to the preborn is rooted in both faith and reason.