2025 Events
St. Louis Pro-Life Dinner
St. Louis, Missouri
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Columbia Pro-Life Event
Columbia, Missouri
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Rackers Family Memorial Pro-Life Golf Classic & Pickleball Tournament
Jefferson City, Missouri
Monday, June 9, 2025
Springfield Pro-Life Event
Springfield, Missouri
Friday, August 22, 2025
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“We must step up our efforts, and that’s where Vitae comes in. If abortion clinics aren’t open anymore, how do we reach the women now? Vitae knows. For a lot of years, the Pro-Life Movement didn’t know how to reach women online or reach women in crisis, and then Vitae Foundation came along, and we got significantly better at it. And that had everything to do with the research Vitae Foundation is doing.”
Abby Johnson
Former Planned Parenthood Director turned Pro-Life Activist
"Do whatever you can to support Vitae Foundation. Sixty million voices have been silenced. Ours cannot be."
Monica Crowley
Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary
“The Vitae Foundation team consulted with Dr. Alveda King as a part of the National Women’s Health Study. Because of Vitae’s research-based work, they are influencing and transforming the hearts and minds of people. This includes those in the halls of Congress and legislatures who are making good decisions, challenging bad laws and seeing them overturned, and establishing good laws. And they are educating people through their research-based messaging to value and create a culture of life.”
Kirk Cameron
“Vitae Foundation is a wonderful resource of which people may wish to take advantage to help, people learn how to talk and think more clearly about the pro-life issue.”
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann
Archbishop of Kansas City Kansas Archdiocese
“Thank you, Vitae, for standing up for an issue that relates to political incorrectness. Thank you for caring for those who can’t speak for themselves. Someone has to do that!”
Ben Carson
Retired pediatric brain surgeon and former Director, U.S. Department of Housing
“America has done a disservice to the world by elevating abortion. This means that Vitae’s work is even more important.”
Star Parker
Founder and President of Center for Urban Renewal and Education
"I’ve been overwhelmed with this idea of legacy. What do we want to be remembered for? The legacy we’re talking about is a legacy like Vitae and how they are changing—no, not changing, but saving lives.”
Mike Matheny
Former St. Louis Cardinals Manager
“One of the reasons I’m so impressed by Vitae is that you are approaching it in exactly the right way. I have all kinds of thoughts about legislative solutions to this, but I think they are much less interesting...and certainly less relevant than the mission you are undertaking.”
Tucker Carlson
Author, Journalist, and host of "Tucker on Twitter" show
“Everybody should ask this question ‘if you didn’t show up, who would miss you and why?’ If Vitae hadn’t shown up, think of the babies today who would not be here if it weren’t for them. That’s the greatest contribution we could make to our fellow human beings.”
Lou Holtz
Notre Dame Football Coach
“While there are many different avenues and many different ways all of us in the pro-life movement are trying to change the culture of America to a pro-life culture, the fact is what Vitae is doing is truly one of the most–if not the most innovative approach that exists anywhere in America today. And the results are astounding.”