Vitae Header News
You Make Mother’s Day Possible for So Many Women, More Need You!

You Make Mother’s Day Possible for So Many Women, More Need You!

This Mother’s Day, as you reflect on your mother, grandmothers or any woman that helped raise you, please take a moment to reflect on the women who didn’t want to be mothers because of circumstances in their lives.  We celebrate the women who made a difficult choice...

Planned Parenthood Uses Jamie Lee Curtis to promote “Telehealth”

Planned Parenthood Uses Jamie Lee Curtis to promote “Telehealth”

Another week produced another list of ways the abortion industry is moving its agenda to new (sickening) heights.   Planned Parenthood wants to make sure women can obtain their brand of “healthcare” in the “safe” environment of their own homes.  Using a “proud” Jamie...

Vitae Launches Geofencing, Retargeting Efforts in KC Market

Vitae Launches Geofencing, Retargeting Efforts in KC Market

Abortion doesn’t take a holiday.  For most states, it also doesn’t abide by personal distancing and shelter-in-place mandates.  That’s why, now more than ever, it is crucial the Vitae Foundation’s Right Brain research-fueled messaging strategies remain active.  As the...

Nick Johnson Joins National Pro-Life Efforts of Vitae Foundation

Nick Johnson Joins National Pro-Life Efforts of Vitae Foundation

Nicholaus Johnson, former Senior Development Director for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), joined the national pro-life messaging efforts of the Vitae Foundation on March 16.  As a Market Director in the St. Louis region, Johnson joins a team that annually raises...

Vitae Enters 2020 with New Business Model

Vitae Enters 2020 with New Business Model

For over 25 years, the Vitae Foundation has sought to use research-based messaging to affect the culture—encouraging it to be more respectful of life itself.  As we embark on a new decade, Vitae has decided to be more strategic with its marketing efforts, thus having...

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