Vitae Header Research Application
Identify needs for research icon
Conduct Research icon
Test Messaging Strategies icon
Share Successful Strategies with Others icon
Save Women and Babies from Abortion icon

We are confident in our research study findings and messaging strategies because we’ve tested them with real women at what we call “Alpha Centers” across the nation. Vitae hand picks these centers which vary demographically, to act as diverse test sites for Vitae’s research-based marketing strategies.

Alpha Centers

Map of the US showing our Alpha Centers
Research Statistics
10 Alpha Centers
$65,000 Invested in each center for digital marketing
80,757 Abortion-determined women clicked on Vitae's ads
17,279 Connections were made with a pregnancy center
80 pregnancy center staff attended our in-person trainings
Blue, gray, and purple dot decoration
2022 Alpha Center Results
2022 Pregnancy Center Special Projects Results
Arrow pointing up

Occasionally, Vitae assists pregnancy centers who
aren’t Alpha Centers with their marketing