The beauty in being an American is that our values are unshakable. Hallmark American values such as freedom, limited government, and religious freedom define us so strongly that we would give our lives to protect them. So how can the abortion industry penetrate such a formidable fortress?

Is it even possible to change someone’s values? Traditional means of persuasion such as logic and reasoning are not options when the culture of death is a frontal attack to science and reasoning. However, there is another form of persuasion that can prove much more successful: redefinition.

By using certain conservative values and principles to frame their arguments, the abortion industry’s attempts to redefine the meanings of the values so their messages can now resonate with individuals who prioritize those ideals. Here are some examples:

Individual Freedom and Personal Autonomy

The abortion industry frames the issue as a matter of personal choice, emphasizing the idea that individuals should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference. This taps into the conservative emphasis on individual liberty and the belief that personal choices should be protected from government overreach.

Limited Government

By arguing that the government should not regulate or control a woman’s access to abortion, the industry aligns itself with the conservative value of limited government. They position abortion restrictions as an example of excessive government intervention, thereby appealing to those who advocate for smaller government and reduced regulation.

Religious Freedom

In an even bigger stretch of truth, the abortion industry claims that restrictions on abortion infringe upon religious freedom, particularly when certain “religious” beliefs support the right to choose. They argue that government restrictions on abortion could impose specific religious views on others. Sadly, this blend of values has appealed to many Americans who believe in religious liberty.

Economic Freedom

One of the main talking points parroted by people who are for abortion is that restrictions on abortion limit economic opportunities for women. By positioning abortion access as essential for economic independence and freedom, they attempt to connect their cause to the conservative value of economic liberty.

These rhetorical strategies are designed to resonate with those who prioritize these values, even if the underlying agenda may not align with the broader conservative platform.

Family Values

Another show of this redefinition strategy appears in not only the organization’s name “Missourians for Constitutional Freedom” but also in their call to action which reads: “Join the fight to end Missouri’s total abortion ban and put families—not politicians—back in charge of personal medical decisions.” Their nod to families is another way to pull in those with family values.

Just last year, the extreme abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America changed its name to Reproductive Freedom for All. This marks the fifth name change since their founding, with each name change meant to appeal to the changing cultural rhetoric. As we saw with Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, this organization also mixes family values with their anti-family abortion agenda.

Right to Privacy

The concept of privacy, particularly in matters of personal and family life, is another principle used for leverage. By framing abortion as a private matter between a woman and her doctor, the abortion industry appeals to those who believe in protecting the privacy of individuals from government intrusion.

Human Rights

One of the most ironic claims made by abortion proponents is that abortion is a fundamental right, likening it to the defense of human rights, which is arguably the first and most foundational value of the conservative movement. By positioning abortion as a human rights issue, they attempt to garner support from those who believe in defending individual rights and liberties.

These attempts to redefine our most deeply held American values are succeeding in deceiving the masses. This strategy is being used on social media, in the news, in schools, and now on the ballot.

Together, we can expose their malicious attempts, and we can stand for the Christian values our families worked so hard to build.


Planned Parenthood Instagram Image that says "Your body should never be a political agenda."

Photo source: Planned Parenthood

woman holding pro-faith, pro-family, pro-choice sign at protest in front of nation's capitol

Photo source: University of Colorado Boulder

Image from Missourians for Constitutional Freedom's website that says "Vote Yes on Amendment to end Missouri's abortion ban."

Photo source: Missourians for Constitutional Freedom

Planned Parenthood social media image that reads "celebrating labor day includes paid family leave"

Photo source: Repro Freedom for All

Planned Parenthood instagram picture that says "Reproductive rights are human rights"

Photo source: Planned Parenthood