It was no doubt a punch to the gut when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday in favor of the abortion industry in June Medical Services v. Russo. That’s right. An individual woman did not bring forth the lawsuit against the state of Louisiana, the abortion industry did. That win for them reinforces the heightened importance of the Vitae Foundation’s work.
Every single day Vitae’s digital strategies are finding women who are consumed with fear and are hopeless. They believe abortion is their only option. They don’t know there’s a Pregnancy Help Center nearby until they reach for their phone and implore Google to bring up the solution to “fix” their problem.
Regardless of the political winds or court rulings, Vitae will continue to reach women devastated by an unintended pregnancy. Their words of desperation remind us why your support is so valuable. These words are haunting and why we need to reach her first!
“My boyfriend threatened to leave me if I don’t abort. I don’t want to abort but I am scared of going thru the pregnancy alone and being a single mom.”
“I just turned 17 and I have dreams and goals and pregnancy wasn’t on my list until I’m successful at what I want. My mom got pregnant around this age and so did my Grandma. I just wanna break the cycle and I’m scared.”
“My boyfriend and I are currently homeless, and I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant… I can’t even take care of myself right now and I was wondering how much it is for the pills?”
If we hadn’t reached these women first, their fate would have been sealed. When selling abortion takes precedence over the needs of actual women’s health, we must stand for women! The abortion industry would send this homeless woman back to being homeless and un-pregnant. Pregnancy centers will help her entire situation, finding housing or connecting her with a multitude of resources the woman may need.
As we reflect on the eve of the founding of this great nation, let’s take a minute to say a prayer for our country; that we as a culture can respect all life—born and unborn. In honor of our country’s 224th birthday, please consider a gift today of $24, or $24 a month or $240. Your dedication to our mission can help us continue to reach women most in need of a pro-woman response to their cry for help. Donate today.