Another week produced another list of ways the abortion industry is moving its agenda to new (sickening) heights.
Planned Parenthood wants to make sure women can obtain their brand of “healthcare” in the “safe” environment of their own homes. Using a “proud” Jamie Lee Curtis as its spokesperson to announce its “Telehealth” program, it made the announcement via Twitter last Friday.
In a follow up announcement to the Hispanic community, Johanny Adames, associate director of Latino Media and Communications of Planned Parenthood, wrote this week there is no reason to stop having sex during a pandemic because “Planned Parenthood Got You Covered.” (sic)
Vaccine makers would like to use tissue from aborted babies in their attempt to create a vaccine for COVID-19. On Friday the Catholic Bishops and pro-life leaders submitted a letter to federal health authorities and the Trump administration calling for assurance that Americans will have access to coronavirus vaccines which are “free from any connection to abortion.”
As the coronavirus has sent this country into a massive “stay-at-home” state, it’s not just the abortion industry which is shifting to provide care to women at home. Many of the Vitae Foundation’s collaborating Pregnancy Help Centers are doing the same, and Vitae continues to help advertise that fact.
Vitae continues to provide ads for collaborating Pregnancy Help Centers that are utilizing methods of virtual appointments in order to properly social distance. Vitae’s Google ads and ads on social media inform women of these lifesaving centers.
“Our empowering, woman-focused messages are there for pregnant women across the country who are seeking help online,” Vitae President Debbie Stokes stated. “Our team stands ready to carry on this mission, whether from our office or our homes. With your continued support, women across America will be empowered to choose life.”
Kathy Bozik, executive director of Southside Women’s Services in Chicago, said they will not back away from offering services to women during this pandemic.
“Personally, I think of our team, and other Pregnancy Centers like us, as first responders—when others run out, we run in. When others lock down, drop out and hide away, we remain. We are staying for the long haul,” Bozik stated emphatically. “Our center will continue to keep its normal hours of operation—as long as God allows. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and taking the necessary precautions for reducing risks by following the CDC guidelines.”
Bozik believes CDC practices will save lives, but the truth is, she has little faith that social distancing will mean an end to unplanned pregnancies. In fact, they’ve seen quite the opposite occur through other social and cultural catastrophes. If a woman so much as thinks she might have been exposed to the virus, Bozik says that Planned Parenthood is ready to capitalize on her fear. “When things are better, you can always have another, dear,” she echoes what the abortion giant will frequently tell women.
“Planned Parenthood’s mega centers are staying open. For that reason alone—we cannot close! She needs a safe place; she needs us. They will only offer her a fake hope which ultimately ends in the death of a tiny person and the crippling of her soul. She will never be the same nor better off after accepting ‘their help.’ It’s a fallacy,” Southside’s director stated.
Southside Pregnancy Center’s medical clinic (Southside Women’s Services) is poised and ready to handle her “emergency.”
“We offer her what Planned Parenthood NEVER will, and that’s . . . HOPE, HELP, LIFE and the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST throughout her unplanned pregnancy and beyond,” Bozik noted.
Their extended, ongoing parenting/family education program and baby boutique (a.k.a. ELEVATE) remain open, too. Since they are limiting gatherings to no more than five at a time, classes and shopping are offered by appointment only. They are also providing online educational classes for those choosing to stay close to home. Moms can request curbside pickup for baby essentials like diapers and wipes.
“A couple days ago, a young mom sent a message to our text helpline. She was panicked about the virus and because the shelves were bare at the store. What seemed more obvious to me in her text was the fact that she needed perspective, comfort and someone to tell her, ‘you’re not alone, we’ll get through this together,’”Bozik stated.
“She won’t get that kind of support at Walmart or Target, but she will get that at Southside, so we need to be here! We need to be that beacon of hope, that bright light shining on Chicagoland’s south side,” Bozik said.
In Seattle, Care Net of Puget Sound’s Executive Director Kim Triller said they, too, will remain open.
“We are open because Planned Parenthood is open, even though the governor said non-essentials shouldn’t be. We believe, however, offering (free) pregnancy tests and ultrasounds during this decision-making process is urgent and essential,” Triller stated.
In the St. Louis area, Hand ‘N Hand Pregnancy Help Center’s Executive Director Gary Smith said they are taking precautions in three areas: the safety of volunteers and staff, the safety of clients and community responsibility.
“We will do everything we can to handle those three areas while staying open as long as we can,” Smith noted. We definitely want to be here for women and their unplanned pregnancies as long as the abortion mills are open, and even if they close.”
Several states issued holds on nonessential health care that included abortion. Unfortunately abortion advocates are insistent that resources remain open for women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, including keeping hospital beds open for women seeking abortions.
“During this public health crisis, pregnancy care, including abortion care, remains an essential health service. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) calls on leaders to ensure that outpatient abortion clinics can remain open and urges hospitals to continue to provide abortion care,” according to a NAF email.
With all this craziness going on, Bozik said they are not discouraged.
“We know ‘this too shall pass.’ We rejoice and thank God for the Vitae Foundation and all those who invest in your life-saving work. We are grateful for the support you have generously poured into Southside Pregnancy Center and the people we serve on Chicagoland’s south side,” Bozik stated. “Without Vitae, women would have a difficult time finding the life-saving help we offer. To everyone at Vitae…THANK YOU!”
Vitae needs your help during this time of COVID-19. Please consider a gift today so we can continue to provide the much-needed ads helping women find life-affirming alternatives to abortion.