Pregnancy Care Centers and the Fight Against “Fake Clinic” Rhetoric
If you have been in the Pro-Life Movement for a while, you already know that pro-abortion extremists do not like being challenged about their beliefs on abortion. Prove them wrong with science, facts, and logic and you will undoubtedly incur the full weight of their wrath.
Since the landmark reversal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court on June 24, pro-abortion extremists have launched a full-blown attack on pregnancy care centers around the country. Shattered glass and busted concrete can be fixed; spray paint can be cleaned up. But what about the smear campaign groups like Reproaction and Reproductive Transparency Now have introduced calling pregnancy care centers “fake clinics,” their staff “women hating bigots” and demanding they be shut down or even prosecuted?
The truth is quite simple. If pregnancy care centers weren’t providing women with real answers, real options, and real support, they wouldn’t be targeted by pro-abortion extremists at all. Pregnancy care centers spread hope, truth, and love. They reject the notion that abortion is the only way women can thrive and succeed in life. They meet women where they are and walk with them through the process of getting to where they ultimately want to be. The very essence of pregnancy care centers is in direct opposition to the Planned Parenthood brand and their pro-abortion cronies, and that’s what makes them targets.
How can we help these life-saving centers fight back?
Those who are busy doing don’t have time or even desire to shout their good deeds; their actions speak louder than any words ever could. This cannot stop. Pregnancy Care Center staff are our boots-on-the-ground warriors, and we need them to keep fighting the good fight. While the pro-aborts continue their rants and protests, pregnancy care center staff calmly clean up the mess and open their doors and hearts to women seeking real choices and real help.
This is where we step in.
Vitae Foundation uses its’ research-based Pro Woman Approach to reach women in that “now” moment. Our Research Application Department assists with new website builds, Search Engine Optimization (increasing website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or web page), Google Search (providing the right words to attract abortion-determined women while searching for abortion online) and social media to help brand the Centers. In short, Vitae works to create visibility for the centers so they can do what they do best: support women.
Perseverance, consistency, faith, hope, and love are the weapons that will win the fight against the “fake clinic” rhetoric. Pregnancy Care Centers and Vitae Foundation are armed and ready. Will you join us?