Young African Woman Headshot

I’m so excited to be heading up the Women’s Health Study along with Dr. Rodney Brim. This Study has two objectives. The first is to identify and understand what differences across multiple factors co-vary with and potentially account for the differential perspectives on life and abortion rates across different racial populations. The second objective is to utilize those findings to create targeted assets and approaches that other Pro-Life and faith-based organizations and churches can utilize to improve the support of women, and ultimately remove the drivers for abortion.

Who are the participants?
We are currently seeking to survey women ages 18-35 across the racial populations of: black/African American, white/Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Asian American, Native American/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

Our Research Assistants
We currently have seven intern research assistants (RA’s) representing three different colleges located in Illinois and Tennessee, who are helping us conduct surveys with our female participants (ages 18-35). The RA’s are using virtual reality headsets to conduct a 25-minute, 100 question survey with each female participant. They have and are currently reaching out to peers on their campuses, churches, pregnancy resource centers and coffee shop patrons to obtain participants in the survey process.

Volunteers Needed
We welcome any help in gathering participants. If you would like to help in the process, we would greatly appreciate it. We need women who attend church and don’t attend church to participate, along with Pro-Life and pro-choice women. Please contact me at for further information on how you can participate in the survey or invite others to participate.