Since 1992, Vitae has used several forms of research to better understand how people viscerally feel about abortion. However, the most profound and timeless findings, which Vitae is known for, came from using the Emotional Research method.
Much research in the Pro-Life Movement is derived from traditional quantitative research. Quantitative research measures people’s opinions and perceptions at a point in time using analytical, rational questions. Whereas Emotional Research, a qualitative research method, measures emotion, and psychological motivators, which do not change as trends and other cultural factors do.
Vitae first commissioned consumer psychologist, Dr. Charles Kenny to conduct the research, which he coined as “Right Brain Research.” In more recent years, Vitae commissioned professional researchers at Emotional ConteXt to add to this lifesaving work.
As we uncover the underlying emotional reasons people hold certain beliefs or decisions about abortion, Emotional Research has proven to be a powerful, innovative tool.
For example, while working on our Abortion Healing Study, Vitae’s Research Team conducted our standard pre-screening survey, and during this process, many respondents stated they did not think about their abortion, did not regret their abortion decision, and did not feel sad about their abortion. However, shortly into their in-depth interview, where they were asked to close their eyes and recall their experience, emotions were rising, and tears began to flow. They shared stories of pain, heartache, grief, and remorse which were buried deep within themselves. This data would have never been captured by simply polling or surveying respondents, thus proving the importance of qualitative Emotional Research.
Research Updates
Abortion Healing Study
In November, Vitae began interviewing respondents for our Abortion Healing Study. The interviews took place in Chicago, Illinois, Arlington, Virginia/Washington, D.C., and Phoenix, Arizona.
The study focused on how women’s healing (or lack thereof) after abortion affects their life. The findings of this study will be shared with leaders and organizations who help women after an abortion experience. We anticipate the findings from this study will assist abortion healing organizations reach more women with the hope and healing they need to move forward. Additionally, if these women find healing, it may prevent the occurrence of repeat abortions.
We look forward to sharing the research study findings with you in the coming months.
Abortion Pill Reversal Study
In August, Vitae’s research team embarked on a study to better understand the emotional motivators behind a woman’s decision to halt, and attempt to reverse, her abortion using the progesterone-based Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) treatment.
The research team is currently analyzing the findings of the study and we are excited to share those with you soon.