Thanks to your generous gifts, messages of hope have spread all across the U.S. to women who felt afraid and alone. Take a look at the story below of a woman named Destiny.

Destiny found out she was pregnant and immediately felt a sense of urgency. Not urgency to tell the father, her parents, or friends, but urgency to arrange for an abortion. She opened Google to find an abortion. Care Net of Puget Sound popped up and she booked an appointment.

When she arrived, the nurse asked her what she planned to do regarding the pregnancy. Destiny said she wanted an abortion because she already had a baby and didn’t believe she could handle another child. She went on to explain that the father did not want another child and how she felt so alone. The nurse reassured her that her team would be there to help her through this and be available every step of the way, even if the father wouldn’t be. 

When offered the opportunity for an ultrasound, Destiny agreed. After the nurse dimmed the lights for her ultrasound, she could see Destiny looked nervous. The nurse took the time to encourage her and reminded her of her strength and ability to raise this child.

As Destiny saw her lively baby on the ultrasound, a tear fell from her eye. She thought “You’re right, I can do this. I’m going to have this baby, whether or not the father wants me to or not.” Destiny smiled and today is happily carrying her precious baby to term.

She signed up for parenting classes and the staff at Care Net has provided resources and support for her as she prepares to welcome the newest member of her family this month.

(Story provided by Amelia Graham at Care Net of Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington)

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