What is it that our current generation of girls and young women need? Vitae’s research tells us that they want knowledge and resources from healthcare experts to make informed, empowered choices for themselves (Saving Grace research study, 2015). We know that by offering her comprehensive care that truly addresses every aspect of her health through an understanding of her entire self, she can make that choice. In other words, our goal is to give women the support they need to discover who they are, wholly and entirely!

Inspired by Vitae’s research, Guiding Star just released The Happy Girls’ Guide to Being Whole for pre-order! The authors of this book are women who are experts in women’s health and have made it their own mission to provide real education for young women on how they can become truly whole. The book contains all of the true information that is yielded from women in our current healthcare systems. It contains everything that a girl was never told: facts about a woman’s cycle as a benchmark for understanding her health, real solutions to fertility issues, balancing the crazy patterns of hormones, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, emotionally, spiritually, and physically!

To purchase a copy of the book, visit www.lumenpress.org.