Two sets of baby shoes: one pink and one blue

April came into Parkville Women’s Clinic seeking an abortion, but she was not prepared for what she saw on the ultrasound that day. When she looked at the ultrasound screen, she was stunned to see not one but TWO babies! April immediately thought about her life growing up and how she was always the sibling who took care of everyone and everything. She thought for sure she could find a way to make this work.

The support she received from the nurses and staff, and the words of affirmation they provided made her reconsider her decision. That day, April decided to choose life for not one but both of her babies.

Today, April is thriving as a mother of twins. The father of the babies stayed involved but April didn’t see a future with him. Regardless of her circumstances, April graduated early from high school. She worked full-time and started nursing school, all as a single mom. It has certainly not been easy, but it has been the best thing in her life. Her little boy and little girl are best friends and are starting preschool.

As an Executive Director, the enemy often tries to convince me this work is too hard, and I am not as effective as someone else would be. But it’s the days like last week when April sent me pictures of the twins on their first day of preschool, that I am reminded of something very special. We serve a God that is in the details of every situation, and He will give you exactly what you need to fulfill the calling He has for your life. When you least expect it, God provides you with a little gift that makes it all worth it.

*Names and minor details changed to protect privacy
(Story provided by Sonya Rice, Parkville Women’s Clinic, Parkville, MO)