Vitae Foundation Names New President
Longtime Vitae Foundation President, Debbie Stokes, recently announced that she will be stepping down as president and with board approval has appointed her successor, Brandy Meeks.
In speaking about her decision Debbie remarked, “Vitae has great potential to change the culture, and it needs leadership that has the energy and expertise to make that happen. Brandy is that person.”
As a former pregnancy center director, and the co-founder of Cornerstone Marketing Strategies, Brandy Meeks is a qualified and welcomed successor. Meeks has worked in the Pro-Life Movement for over ten years. “She brings experience, passion, energy, and a deep faith to every challenge she takes on. She will be a powerful force leading Vitae into the future,” former president Debbie Stokes explained.
Meeks was previously employed at Vitae Foundation as Director of Marketing and Research Application, but later used her talent and passion for the life issue by working alongside former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate, Abby Johnson as her Vice President of Operations. She is excited to return to Vitae and says, “It is imperative that we complete the mission to make abortion unthinkable in this Post-Roe era. Vitae’s research and messaging can absolutely influence that change. I am humbled and honored to lead Vitae Foundation with new innovative strategies and collaborations at such a critical moment in our nation’s history.”
Vitae staff are receptive to this change and are happy to still have Debbie work in a different capacity for the organization as she moves closer to retirement. Brandy took over as president September 1st.
From Debbie
I knew the day would come when the Lord would call me to another life transition, and that day arrived when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision, overturning Roe v. Wade.
While that decision brought tremendous joy, it also brought a realization that Vitae needed someone with more expertise and energy to overcome the challenges ahead, and position Vitae to be the positive force that it is meant to be. That person is Brandy Meeks.
I can best describe her as a “powerhouse.” She brings a wealth of experience to the position, as well as national and international contacts. Most importantly, she has a great understanding and appreciation of Vitae’s research, along with how to apply it for the greatest impact.
I will be working with Brandy in the capacity of Senior Strategic Advisor. It has been such a blessing to meet so many of you while serving as President. I will be attending some events, but not traveling as much as before. However, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you. May God bless you abundantly for all you’ve done to support me and Vitae!
From Brandy
I write to you today with humble thanksgiving for the opportunity to lead such an incredible organization and follow up a leader who I greatly admire and respect. Debbie Stokes has led Vitae Foundation to a place of immense strength during culturally tumultuous times.
As I begin this new leadership journey, I would also like to recognize a truly innovative and intelligent man who I am honored to call a trusted advisor and friend, our founder and advisor, Carl Landwehr. Carl continues to serve at the organization and is greatly valued for his wisdom that he continues to bring to the table during Vitae’s thirty-year history.
“For such a time as this . . . ” I step into this role with great joy!
While people often get excited when they hear about some of my work experience and connections, my favorite achievement in life revolves around my family—I am a wife and mother. My husband Matt and I have five children, two who are in college, two more in high school, and one in middle school—four sons and one daughter. Did you get tired just reading that? It is always an adventure in the Meeks home, and we like it that way!
As you get to know me, you will see that my faith and family are my inspirations for working so hard to change the culture. I dream of a world where abortion is truly unthinkable, and life is valued for the beautiful gift from God that it is. I am sure you agree.
Protecting life is absolutely part of a godly life. Please be encouraged to know that as we seek to understand Him and His creation, we have all the tools we need to carry out His work here on earth.
I’m humbled and honored to walk with all of you on this journey as together, we make abortion unthinkable.