From the President: Are we prepared for what’s next?

As I began to write this, we heard that the Supreme Court has made a decision on the Dobbs case, which has officially overturned Roe v. Wade. Today will go down in history as the day that the most important of all human rights­—the right to life—was declared.

From the moment the Supreme Court decided to take this case, we have witnessed some exciting, some fascinating, and some frightening things taking place across our nation, as I’m sure will continue in the wake of this historic day. Some states have outlawed abortion outright and some have passed “trigger” laws that will further limit or ban abortion in their states. On the other side, there are states creating abortion “sanctuaries,” expanding abortion access in anticipation of an influx of out-of-state women seeking services. In anticipation for this decision, protests were a daily event; Justices and their families were threatened; and Pregnancy Help Centers (PHCs) were targets of violence by groups such as Jane’s Revenge. I’m afraid this will likely continue tenfold.

We have all prayed, fought, and worked toward the day when Roe would be overturned. Now we will find out how that preparation will serve us. Have we been successful in letting communities and churches know about the wonderful work of PHCs? Have we learned how to talk with someone considering abortion? Have we prepared spiritually for the onslaught of evil that Roe’s overturn may bring?

Vitae has been actively preparing for this day, and not just since the draft document was leaked. A few years ago, we changed our business model, we’ve developed a plan of action taking us into the future, and we’re focused on what we can do best to serve God and the pro-life community . . . doing the research that no one else is doing and sharing it with our peers.

Vitae knows that to truly change our culture, we must change hearts and minds to realize the value of every life God sends into the world. Our research-based messaging is proven to effectively communicate with our audiences and impact their hearts and minds.

Our research is not about accumulating data and setting it on a shelf or only using it for our purposes. When we uncover truths that can help save lives and change hearts, we see those truths as God-given gifts meant to be shared. We have already launched the Vitae Vault, a digital resource to share our findings with PHCs. In our next newsletter you will read about the Vitae Research Institute, to be launched in late fall, as a digital resource for the rest of the pro-life community. Additionally, we are increasing opportunities to share our findings at conferences and community gatherings across the country.

The days ahead may be some of the most challenging we have ever faced. However, we know that as long as we keep our focus on the Lord and listen to the stirrings He places in our hearts and minds, Life will succeed.