Open red mailbox with mail sticking out

After a daunting series of lawsuits, appeals, and hearings, a decision has been made by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to restore critical safeguards for Mifepristone.  

Mifepristone is the first of a two-drug chemical abortion regimen and is used in over 52% of abortions in America. 

The appeals court peeled back recent provisions, reverting back to the conditions for use which were originally put in place in 2016. One of the biggest implications is that abortion pills can no longer be legally sold by mail in the U.S., which had been allowed since 2021. Additionally, this ruling reinstated safeguards put in place in 2000 including required reporting for adverse events, seven-week gestation limits, increased required office visits, and that the drug can only be dispensed by physicians.  

The ruling will take effect only if upheld by the Supreme Court. 

This is one small step forward in protecting women from the culture of death. The truth has prevailed in declaring that the abortion pill is NOT safe. The voices of the women hurt by the abortion pill are finally being heard.  

Because of the courage taken by the judges at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, countless lives of mothers and their babies will be saved. 

Although abortion pills are unable to be mailed in the U.S., they are still sold overseas from hundreds of websites. Despite this fact, we will not give up on women and will continue to protect them from the abusive abortion industry. We will facilitate relevant research to counter the messaging of the culture of death. We will pour out truth and love so that women embrace rather than sever the unique bond they have with their child. 

As you sit around the table this evening with your families, please say a prayer of thanksgiving. With God’s help and your steadfast support, we are accomplishing our mission of building a future where abortion is unthinkable. 

For Life,

Brandy Meeks